Thank you!

To make Old Bill’s Fun Run a suc­cess, more than 350 vol­un­teers are need­ed before and dur­ing the event. Thank you to all the vol­un­teers who give of their time each year!

Old Bill's Run Committee


The Com­mu­ni­ty Foun­da­tion is deeply grate­ful to the over 300 vol­un­teers who make Run Day pos­si­ble. At the core of our vol­un­teer pow­er­house is the Old Bill’s Run Com­mit­tee. In part­ner­ship with the Old Bill’s Coor­di­na­tor, this team works tire­less­ly through­out the sum­mer to plan and exe­cute Run Day. Thank you to Run Com­mit­tee mem­bers for their time, tal­ent, and com­mit­ment to the community.

They are the mag­ic behind Old Bill’s!

2024 Run Committee Members

Miki Ari­s­tore­nas
Jack­son Hole Chil­dren’s Museum

Dei­dre Ash­ley
Men­tal Health & Recov­ery Ser­vices of Jack­son Hole

Jason Bruni
Habi­tat for Humanity 

Sarah Cav­al­laro
Teton Youth & Fam­i­ly Services

Chris Clabuesch
St John’s Health Foundation

Lina Col­la­do
One22 Resource Center

Han­nah Coo­ley
Hole Food Rescue

Andrea Dom­bros­ki
Teton Coun­ty School Dis­trict #1

Abi Domingue
Cen­ter for the Arts

Amy Goicoechea
Art Asso­ci­a­tion of Jack­son Hole 

Patrice Gon­za­les
Jack­son Hole Jug­ger­nauts Roller Derby 

Mari Allan Han­na
Slow Food In the Tetons

Becky Kiefer
Teton Coun­ty Inte­grat­ed Sol­id Waste & Recycling

Mindy Kim-Miller
Scouts BSA — Troop 268

Josh Kley­man
Teton Sci­ence Schools

Julie Klom­parens
Jack­son Hole Ski & Snow­board Club

Jean Lewis
CLIMB Wyoming

Natalia D. Mack­er
Off Square The­atre Company

Amy McCarthy
Teton Rap­tor Center

Ali­cia McGaugh
Scouts BSA — Troop 268

Patrick McGaugh
Scouts BSA — Troop 268

Chris Moll
Teton Youth & Fam­i­ly Services

Steve Mor­riss
Jack­son Hole Wildlife Foundation

Con­nor Nolan
Teton Coun­ty Search & Res­cue Foundation

Dan Oas
Pro­tect Our Water Jack­son Hole 

Sta­cy Oliv­er-Bar­ton
CLIMB Wyoming

Diana Peck
Teton Coun­ty Library Foundation

Car­olyn Ripps
Com­mu­ni­ty Foun­da­tion of Jack­son Hole

Ali Sehn­ert
Jack­son Hole Ski & Snow­board Club

Koreen Sheri­dan
Fund for Pub­lic Education

Lau­ra Soltau
Teton Lit­er­a­cy Center

Maeve Stew­art
Com­mu­ni­ty Foun­da­tion of Jack­son Hole

Lily Sul­li­van
Jack­son Hole Fire & EMS

Thank You 2023 Volunteers

Chance Abel

Sara Adam­son

Ash­ley Anderson

Jim Auge

Abby Bak­er

Britt Bak­er

Don Bak­er

Ellie Bak­er

Zachary Bak­er

Martha Ban­croft

Kay­la Barglowski

Carisa Bar­nett

Cullen Barn­hart

Geor­gia Bermingham

Alyosha Bil­limo­ria

Emma Blak­slee

Char­lie Bradley

Stu­art Bradley

Amy Brooks

Syd­ney Bryan

Chris­tine Burbidge

Franz Camen­zind

Beth Carl­son

Eric Carr

Julie Carr

Matt Carr

Susie Cas­par

Jack Knew­Jack” Catlin

Matt Ceku­ta

Joe Chenault

Beth Anne Christensen

Blair Christy

Meghan Cobb

Bri­an Coe

Kyle Cof­fin

Emmersen Cohn

Peter Con­can­non

Tom Con­can­non

Erin Cough­lin

Katie Creasy

Bob Cul­ver

Cathy Cul­ver

JR Dalby

Dancers’ Work­shop

Katie Dan­drea

Jack­son Darin

June Darin

Cooke Dawes

Michael Dawes

Andree Dean

Maeve Den­shaw

Cindy Dwyer

Michael Estes

Sara Fagan

Taralee Fair­clough

Bill Fin­er­ty

Paige Fish­er

Caryn Flana­gan

Phillip Fox

Hilary Frenette

Gre­ta Frohlich

Nan­cy Frost

Gre­go­rio Garcia

Clay Geittmann

Emma Getsinger

Kevin Getz

Gwenn Gil­day

Peg Gil­day

Lisa Gillette

Tom Goicoechea

Emi­ly Gomez

Col­or Guard

Cas­san­dra Hanley

Joshua Hansen

Matt Hansen

Sophia Harnew-Spradley

Hilary Hays

Cassie Heikki­la

Leah Heit

Jim Hess­er

Lily Horne

Kahlynn Huck

Jax­on Huexoyuca

Jos­mar Huexoyuca

Jack­son Hole Com­mu­ni­ty Band Members

Pat­ty Jaquith

Melis­sa Jensen

Mad­die Johnson

Ian John­ston

Steve Kaness

Kel­ly Keefe

Robin Keel­er

Sarah Kil­main

Erik Kim­ball

Aidan Kim-Miller

Sil­via Kim-Miller

Liz King

McKen­zie Kirkpatrick

Jesse Knori

Ariel Koer­ber

Bar­ney Koszalka

Alisa Lane

Blaine Lessard

Jes­si­ca Lighthart

Sophie Lisle

Ker­ry Lloyd

Cody Lock­hart

Rachel Long

Emma Lopez

Lisa Lowen­fels

Vick­ie Lund

Kris Lunde

Flo Man­suett­ta

Lau­ra Martien

Kim Mas­deo

Sue Mason

Kel­ly Matthews

Anna McFar­lane

Bren­nan McFarlane

Patrick McGaugh

Pen­ny McGaugh

Ros­alyn McGaugh

Tra­vers McGaugh

April Mar­tinez Mejia

Delia Mer­cer

John Mil­lar

Mary Miller

Bron­wyn Minton

Ali­son Missler

Gus Mitha

Car­olyn Modlish

Lyb­by Moore

Fran­cis­ca Moreno

Sue Mor­riss

Chris­tine Murdoch

Nate Muss­er

Bill Neal

Alex Nor­ton

Nan­cy Norton

Lana O’Hara

Carmi­na Oaks

Robert Oehman

Eli Olais

Ella Olais

Elvis Olais

Walt Over­gaard

Peter Pilafi­an

Cal­lie Platt

Tra­cy Poduska

Arty Polo

Steve Poole

Tere­sa Principe

Bri Ram­sey

Lucy Rankin

April Repin­s­ki

Ernie Rodriguez

Dan Rogers

Grant Ross

Haley Ross

Liz Roth­schild

Lisa Ryan

Kevin Sala­va

Emilio Sanchez

Chuck Schnee­beck

Michael Schrotz

Bon­nie Self

Car­o­line Sheahan

Paul Sheri­dan

Scott Shervin

Jere­my Silcox

Emi­ly Sloan

Shea Slonkosky

Will Smith

Hilary Snow

Will Soltau

Brit­tana Spencer

Ryan Stolp

Jacob Ston­er

Kar­la Swiggum

Hamish Tear

Christy Thomas

Lau­rel Thomas

Mor­gan Thompson

Ali­cia Unger

Lar­ry Veit

Judy Walls

Hol­ly Wardle

Lar­ry Warren

Luna Was­son

Char­lotte Watkins

Don Watkins

Ram­say Watkins

Ann Wawrose

AJ Wheeler

Hen­ry Wilcox

James Wilcox

Lucas Wilmot

Alex Wil­son

Vin­cent Wisniewski

Buck Wood­ford

Sue Wood­ford

Steve Wurm

Brook Yeo­mans

Ani­ka Youcha

Jeff Zipfel

For More Information


For more infor­ma­tion about vol­un­teer oppor­tu­ni­ties, don’t hes­i­tate to con­tact us — info@​cfjacksonhole.​org.

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